Salesforce Experience Cloud

Salesforce Experience Cloud
We bring companies and customers together on the world's # 1 CRM. Salesforce Experience Cloud is powered by advanced online community software that allows businesses of all sizes to connect to their partners, customers, employees, and business processes like never before.
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Published: January 19, 2024

What is Salesforce Experience Cloud?

Imagine a platform that allows you to engage with your audience through custom-designed digital experiences, all powered by the world’s leading CRM system.

Salesforce’s Experience Cloud offers the ability to create interactive sites, applications, and portals, each tailored to meet the unique demands of your industry. Experience Cloud centralizes your data at its core, enabling you to deliver personalized content and simplify customer interactions with their data.

Salesforce Experience Cloud Demo Video

Who is Salesforce Experience Cloud best suited for?

Salesforce’s Experience Cloud is best suited for businesses and organizations that require dynamic and personalized digital experiences for their customers or stakeholders.

It is ideal for organizations looking to engage their audience through customized digital platforms like interactive sites, apps, and portals. The solution is particularly beneficial for industries that demand a high level of personalization and customer interaction, as it centralizes data for tailored content delivery and simplifies customer data interactions.

Notable Features

Salesforce’s Experience Cloud offers a range of notable features designed to build and enhance digital communities:

  1. Business Integration: It enables integration with various systems, allowing users to manage customer support cases, update opportunities, and access and share files efficiently​​.
  2. Personalization and Customization: The platform suggests connections to experts, groups, and content based on individual preferences, enabling deeper community engagement. It also allows for customization and branding to reflect your organization’s identity and create user-friendly environments​​.
  3. Mobile Experience: Users can collaborate from any device, offering a rich, branded, and responsive mobile experience through the Salesforce1 Mobile App or any mobile browser​​.
  4. Knowledge Management and Case Escalation: It facilitates self-service for customers with easy access to articles, FAQs, and community insights. The platform also supports case creation and escalation within the community, enhancing customer service capabilities​​.
  5. E-commerce Integration: Experience Cloud integrates e-commerce platforms, enabling customers to discover, research, and buy products in a unified, branded environment​​.
  6. Sales Force Automation and Partner Engagement: The platform aids in sharing contacts and leads with partners, integrating third-party systems for centralized management, and designing custom actions for business processes​​.
  7. Employee Empowerment: It offers tools for employee collaboration and engagement, such as Salesforce Files for secure and mobile file access, group creation for structured discussions, and Chatter for project collaboration and idea sharing​​.

These features make Salesforce’s Experience Cloud a comprehensive tool for creating and managing engaging, personalized, and efficient digital communities for customers, partners, and employees.

Pros and Cons

Top 3 Pros:

  1. Customization and Integration: Experience Cloud offers a customizable UI and easy integration with other systems. It allows users to fully tailor their digital environments without needing extensive coding skills. The ability to integrate with various external systems, such as ERP and document management software, enhances its flexibility and utility​​​​.
  2. Ease of Configuration: The platform is robust in its configurability. Users appreciate the intuitive drag-and-drop functionality and the platform’s ability to organize content efficiently and enable self-service. This ease of configuration allows for faster development, testing, and delivery of new features​​.
  3. Comprehensive Business Solution: Salesforce Experience Cloud caters to a wide range of business needs, offering a unified platform for customer service, sales, and marketing activities. It provides a vast range of clouds and solutions for various industries, making it a versatile tool for businesses​​.

Top 3 Cons:

  1. Cost and Resource Intensiveness: The platform is known to be expensive, requiring significant investment. It also demands extensive training and can be resource-intensive, especially for smaller organizations or projects with limited budgets​​​​.
  2. Complexity and Learning Curve: Some users find the platform’s extensive functionality overwhelming, leading to a steep learning curve. The backend data structure can be confusing, and mastering the system may require considerable time and practice​​.
  3. Technical Limitations and Customization Challenges: Despite its customization capabilities, the platform faces technical limitations in out-of-the-box solutions, and some complex integration projects can be time-consuming. Over-customization can lead to a less intuitive CRM system, with issues in navigation and extended loading times​​.


Salesforce Experience Cloud offers various editions tailored to different needs like Self-Service, Partner Relationship Management, and External Apps.

Self-Service Pricing

The pricing for Salesforce’s Experience Cloud for self-service is structured around two main offerings:

  1. Customer Community: This option is designed for quickly building connected customer portals, service communities, and help centers. The pricing is set at $2 per login or $5 per member per month, billed annually.
  2. Customer Community Plus: This more advanced option is suited for delivering complex portals with features like advanced sharing, delegated administration, reports, and dashboards. The pricing for Customer Community Plus is $6 per login or $15 per member per month, also billed annually​​.

This pricing structure allows businesses to choose a plan based on their specific needs for customer engagement and the complexity of the portals they wish to create.

Partner Relationship Management Pricing

The pricing for Salesforce’s Experience Cloud in the context of Partner Relationship Management is as follows:

  • Partner Relationship Management: This solution is aimed at boosting partner sales with Sales Cloud PRM, a complete channel management solution. The pricing is set at $10 per login or $25 per member per month, billed annually​​.

This pricing structure is designed to accommodate businesses looking to enhance their partner relationship management through a comprehensive channel management solution.

External Apps Pricing:

The pricing for Salesforce’s Experience Cloud in the context of External Apps is as follows:

  • External Apps: This package is tailored for building custom portals, sites, and apps for customers and partners, integrating external systems, and exposing data to propel business operations. The pricing for this package is set at $15 per login or $35 per member per month, billed annually​​.

This pricing structure is ideal for businesses seeking to create custom digital experiences for their brokers, dealers, and partners, offering flexibility in terms of access and membership options.

Please note that software pricing is subject to change. It’s recommended to visit their site for pricing and contact them for more information.

Salesforce Experience Cloud Reviews

Read the best Salesforce Experience Cloud reviews by verified users here:

Note: review counts as of Jan 10th, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Salesforce Experience Cloud?

Salesforce Experience Cloud, formerly known as Salesforce Community Cloud, is a platform that allows businesses to create personalized, branded experiences for their customers, partners, and employees.

How does Salesforce Experience Cloud benefit my business?

Salesforce Experience Cloud helps businesses improve customer engagement, streamline partner collaboration, and enhance employee productivity through personalized experiences and self-service capabilities.

Can Salesforce Experience Cloud integrate with other systems?

Yes, Salesforce Experience Cloud can integrate with various systems and applications, allowing seamless data exchange and providing a unified view of customer information.

Is Salesforce Experience Cloud secure?

Yes, Salesforce Experience Cloud prioritizes security and offers robust features such as user authentication, data encryption, and access controls to ensure the protection of sensitive information.

How can I customize the look and feel of my Salesforce Experience Cloud?

Salesforce Experience Cloud provides extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the user interface, branding, and layout to align with their unique brand identity and user experience requirements.

Still have questions? Get in touch

Learn More About Salesforce Experience Cloud

Want to learn about Salesforce Experience Cloud?
Learn more on their site.


  • Joe Kevens

    I'm the Founder and Editor-In-Chief of B2B SaaS Reviews. I'm also the Director of Demand Generation at PartnerStack, the #1 platform purpose-built for partner management and affiliate marketing in B2B SaaS. Before PartnerStack, I worked for other go-to-market B2B SaaS companies: Influitive (Advocate Marketing designed to generate more reviews, references, and referrals), LevelJump (Sales Enablement) (acquired by Salesforce) and Eloqua (Marketing Automation) (acquired by Oracle).

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